
Bruno José Rodrigues Durães

Sociologist from Bahia, Associate Professor of Sociology at UFRJ (Department of Sociology/IFCS); Former professor at the Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia (UFRB) and UNIFAL-MG.

Alexandre Barbosa Fraga

Adjunct Professor at the Department of Sociology at the Institute of Social Sciences of UERJ; Holds a PhD in Sociology from PPGSA/UFRJ.

Joyce Louback Lourenço

Sociologist and professor at the Faculty of Education at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), in the Department of Education Foundations.

José Victor Yunes da Cunha

Undergraduate student in Social Sciences - UFRJ, with applied knowledge in Python programming, data exploratory analysis in R, and statistics (studies conducted at UFRJ’s Actuarial Science).

Gabriely Silva Fraga

Undergraduate student in Social Sciences at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); Volunteer researcher at UFRJ’s Digital Humanities Laboratory (LABHDUFRJ).

Sabrina De Lima Rodrigues

Undergraduate student in Social Sciences at UFRJ and a volunteer researcher at UFRJ’s Digital Humanities Laboratory (LABHDUFRJ).

Renan Aguiar do Nascimento

Undergraduate student in Social Sciences Teaching at UFRJ, with a focus on the sociology of work, political sociology, and education.

Maria Lúcia Cordeiro

Undergraduate student in Social Sciences Teaching at UFRJ and a certified Occupational Safety Technician from CEFET-RJ.